Human Capital

Our team is organized through a value-added push and pull strategy.

Push: The commercial area activates (Push) making sure that the service is the most convenient for the client at that time, for its price, time, or other factors. In this sense, the company, through the commercial area, identifies specific and conjunctural opportunities that may be of interest to the client.

Pull: The export and import leaders, meanwhile, deal with fostering long-term customer relationships, seeking strategic advantages, analyzing industry trends and non-conjunctural value creation opportunities. Much of this differential is based on the extensive experience of the leaders in the international shipping and logistics industry and on the value of the contact networks and the knowledge they have.

The Cargo Staff logo symbolizes the members of our team working together based on the same objective. Each of them is essential to achieve it and ratify our identity, mission and values. Together they also form a rudder, which sets the course to follow to achieve the most efficient international transport solutions.

Capital Humano


If you want to be part of our team, please send us your CV and we will contact you in case we have opennings.



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CARGO STAFF Logistics 2020 - Todos los derechos reservados